In business there are no easy solutions to growth, in fact the main topic of conversation and concern on owners minds is how do businesses survive this unprecedented intrusive pandemic! Business owners face many challenges to keep up and stay ahead of the market and competition. So what can small business entrepreneurs do to give themselves a fighting chance to compete and survive?
The simple answer is to actively engage and trust the advancements in computer technology currently available n the market that not only add value to assist elevating a business but also automates essential common business tasks.
When a business owner seeks to create a company website they should meditate on this: they have got one chance to wow visitors with a good first impression. The web is overflowing with stimulating information, and a website needs to stand out in order to grab viewers’ attention. Most importantly, it needs to keep them engaged so that they consume its content leading to the purchase goods or services.
Regardless of what industry is served there are golden rules to follow in the execution of website design: firstly make it easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and include all the relevant information needed to promote goods and services. Above all, don’t forget that the website design process should be inspiring. And what better way to draw inspiration than by looking at the influential world of web design around us?
Current Trends
There are numerous places to explore for inspiration so dig around the Internet and muse on the following web design trends to make a website that truly stands out in 2021:
The current trend over the past few years has seen a remarkable transition in the market place to consumers purchasing more goods and services online. Big brand names are disappearing from the high street and going online, it could be argued that they failed to keep up with or implement advances in technology or buyer's habits, preferences and the cost of sales.
Customers are more tech-savvy than ever before and now drive businesses from their smartphones, so one can assume they are the most important element and by definition must be looked after and provided with excellent service, call it customer care and satisfaction. The big question is how do SME's achieve customer satisfaction and adapt to the rapidly changing market place?
One of the easiest method is for business owners to answer three basic questions;
!. Why are you in business?
2 How do you run your business?
3. What is your business purpose?
Find answers to these three basic questions and business owners will begin to understand their business and work out a smart strategy and way forward to survival and growth.
Departments, production, sales, logistics and finance within company's are all important but only as a unified group (aligned) working towards the business's purpose.
Salespeople must have the right product to sell and it must be of quality and what a buyer is looking to purchase, also when a buyer completes the purchase it must arrive on time and in good condition, all the above has to be financed.
In very simple terms the inbound marketing process has been outlined!
Inbound is a method ATTRACTING, ENGAGING and DELIGHTING people to grow a business that provides value and builds trust in a brand. As technology shifts, inbound guides an approach to doing business in a human and helpful way. Inbound is a better way to market, a better way to sell, and a better way to serve customers.
This simple inbound marketing matrix identifies three key elements;
1. Attract prospects into the business to purchase your goods and services.
2. Engage with those prospects to identify needs and wants.
3. Ensure those prospects become customers of the business and purchase your goods or services in a delightful way.
If business owners are experiencing challenges with any of the three key inbound marketing principles then inbound marketing methodology may be a useful method to investigate and solve problems.
Business owners may need to re-visit the purpose of their businesses, mission and vision to change the way they run their business. Ideally, businesses need to be more human more helpful and aligned to deliver real value to customers and develop more trust in their brands.
So the next question is how do businesses go about re-aligning their businesses?
Business owners should ask themselves the following questions;
1. Why are you in business.
2. How your business performs for your customers.
3. What do you need to do to improve the way you do business.
Omni-channel inbound marketing experience is a multi-channel approach to marketing, selling, and serving customers in a way that creates integrated and cohesive customer participation no matter how or where a customer reaches out.
Assume a business is in need of a boost or a change in the way it does business then its worth business owners asking themselves the three key questions outlined above..
Answers to these questions will help businesses more understand the way they do business and the way their customers think about their business.
Mike Fox owner of michaeljfoxwebdesign agency states "The answers to a company's purpose would be of positive benefit to the design of a company's website, the way it functions and the content it displays".
Our design philosophy is "to listen carefully and build a clients project around their business goals and objectives while focusing on the small details that matter to bring their project alive" also we are mindful that its not our design its the clients' design for their business.
If a business is facing problems they must be identified, researched into the reasons why they are occurring, then develop inbound strategy solutions, only then can a web design process begin. Without inciting to the problems facing businesses he fact is any old website design will simple not work tirelessly or create awareness, may easily disappoint the business owner and even worse could be ignored by search engines.
Although small businesses are facing some of their biggest challenges in recent times, many are also learning how to re-engage with their customers and adapt to new demands in the marketplace.
As a result, business owners are beginning to explore more of their industry’s trends to assist them in planning for the future and create new opportunities, from creating a website that meets customers’ needs better, to taking up ecological and societal responsibilities.
With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of eight emerging small business trends to watch in 2021 to understand where your clients’ interests lie, and remain ahead of the curve.
Although small businesses are facing some of their biggest challenges in recent times, many are also learning how to re-engage with their customers and adapt to new demands in the marketplace.
As a result, business owners are beginning to explore more of their industry’s trends to assist them in planning for the future and create new opportunities, from creating a website that meets customers’ needs better, to taking up ecological and societal responsibilities.
With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of eight emerging small business trends to watch ut for in 2021 to understand where your clients’ interests lie, and remain ahead of the curve.
8 top small business trends of 2021
Shifting towards eCommerce
Using mobile marketing
Rolling out your app
Personalizing customer service
Rise of remote work
Growing an online community
Promoting data transparency
Being eco-friendly and socially responsible
In the past years, there’s been a steady shift of brick and mortar stores taking their businesses and services online and launching successful eCommerce websites. Under the current climate, most small businesses are looking to eCommerce to create new opportunities through selling their merchandise online, either as their main source of income or in congruence with additional practices.
Acknowledgment to Hubspot marketing
michaeljfoxwebdesign agency